What Is The Most Reviewed Company Award On The Manifest?

What Is The Most Reviewed Company Award On The Manifest?

At the bottom of directory pages, The Manifest features the 15 companies that have received the most new reviews in the past 12 months.
The Most Reviewed Company Award on The Manifest features the 15 companies on each directory page that have received the most new reviews in the past 12 months.


For a chance to be featured as a most reviewed company on The Manifest, companies must:

  1. Have a company profile on Clutch.
  2. Have reviews on Clutch.
  3. Be among the 15 companies in a category and/or location that received the most new reviews in the past 12 months. (Review data is based on company's Clutch profile.)


Companies that receive The Most Reviewed Company Award on The Manifest have the opportunity to show off their new client feedback through the following opportunities:

  • Featured in a press release on The Manifest
  • Offered a Most Reviewed Company badge
  • Offered content marketing support to share the news on their blog

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