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5 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Email Marketing Campaigns

5 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Email Marketing

5 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Email Marketing Campaigns

When AI has revolutionized almost all industries, from IT, healthcare, hospitality, advertising, and marketing to customer service, why would email marketing be left out? 

AI has been working effectively to reshape how we approach business. The same applies to designing our email marketing campaigns. Email marketing is one of the important pillars of digital marketing, and it is being revolutionized nowadays with the help of artificial intelligence.

Gone are the days when email marketing was considered an old-school technique. It is one of the most effective marketing strategies for bringing in business.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaking things up in email marketing, and trust me, you don't want to miss out. Here  are some of the ways  AI is helping email marketers like you automate high-converting campaigns.

  1. Hyper-personalization 
  2. Smart Segmentation 
  3. AI send time prediction 
  4. Automated A/B testing 
  5. Behavior Analytics

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Do you remember personalizing cold emails to increase open and reply rates? AI helps hyper-personalize your email content by thoroughly understanding your subscriber’s behavior.

AI drafts the content, which understands and analyzes your subscriber's purchasing pattern, which automatically helps increase the conversion ratio. Wondering how?

You can enhance the personalization further by embedding social proof directly on your website. For instance, you can embed a LinkedIn feed on your website to give subscribers an additional layer of trust through industry-related insights, company updates, and testimonials from your LinkedIn network.

There is an image below that will give answers to all your curious questions about hyper-personalization:

Hyper-personalization example

Hyper-personalized content that speaks directly to each recipient's interests and needs. It's like having a mind-reading assistant who knows exactly what your subscribers (or inbound leads) want to see in their inbox.

To send hyper-personalized emails, you can use cold emailing tools like Saleshandy, Instantly, or Lemlist. 

Smart Segmentation

One of the most difficult things for any marketer is segmenting their audience manually. It is the biggest headache, but AI now manages it efficiently. So, if you are wondering how AI helps with smart segmentation, here you go!

As the name suggests, artificial intelligence is a highly intelligent algorithm that studies your subscriber’s history, including past purchases, website behavior, social media activity, demographics, and preferences. Based on these factors, it slices and dices your audience list to send more relevant and personalized emails.

Your entire email marketing strategy is dependent on the smart segmentation done by AI, which helps draft personalized content for each recipient, making sure we get a sufficient number of responses or businesses.

For smart segmentation, platforms like Klaviyo or Marketo use AI algorithms to analyze subscriber behavior, demographics, and preferences and create targeted segments that make sense. AgilOne's customer data platform is another great example of this.

AI Send Time Prediction

The main goal of an email marketing campaign is to hit the desired level of open and reply rates, which makes it highly efficient to send emails at the right time. Tell me something AI can’t do better! AI studies your past email marketing campaigns and algorithms and suggests the best delivery time for your content.

To be precise, the AI send time prediction analysis chooses the right time or the most preferred time to send emails to your audience, resulting in higher opens and response rates. This data-driven approach helps in building more engagement in your email marketing campaigns.

When it comes to AI send time prediction, tools like Sendinblue or Optimizely analyze past campaign data to predict when subscribers are most likely to engage. HubSpot's email tool even suggests send times based on subscriber engagement patterns - talk about timely!

Automated A/B Testing 

Most businesses try to A/B test their email campaigns to get the best version from the variations. Email marketing software helps A/B test your campaign copy with 10 to 26 variants, depending on their feature specifications. AI here helps to revolutionize the A/B testing functionality by automating it.

A/B testing chart

The AI-powered A/B testing can automatically create multiple variations of your emails, acting as one of your conversion rate optimization tools to perfect your emails, test them on a small audience segment, and then send the winning version to the rest of your list. It's like having a lab full of scientists working around the clock to perfect your emails.

Automated A/B testing is another area where AI shines. Tools like VWO or Sentient Ascend can automatically create and test email variations, taking the guesswork out of optimization. Adobe Campaign's A/B testing feature is another great example.

Behavior Analytics 

The major concern of any email marketing campaign is achieving higher conversions. Understanding user behavior is the most important element in achieving these conversions. AI helps revolutionize your email marketing campaigns by offering predictive analytics based on your subscribers' behavior.

What does AI do for the same? AI uses predictive analytics to predict subscriber behavior, such as who will likely open an email, click on a link, or make a purchase. These powerful analytics and insights collected by AI allow you to tailor your email campaigns for maximum impact and outcome. 

While AI excels in optimizing email campaigns, integrating external data sources can further enhance your automated email marketing strategy. Consider embedding a LinkedIn feed on the website to showcase social proof, industry insights, and potential lead generation opportunities.

Lastly, behavior analytics tools like Mixpanel or Google Analytics 360 use AI to predict subscriber behavior and preferences. Salesforce's Einstein Analytics is another powerful tool that uses AI to analyze subscriber data and predict future behavior.

The Future is Now: Embracing AI in Email Marketing

AI is revolutionizing email marketing in ways we could only dream of years ago. It is finally helping marketers to design smarter and more effective campaigns that can be easily personalized and automated.

Join the AI revolution and makeover your email marketing campaigns like never before. But yes, remember, when it comes to content creation for your emails, trust your research and knowledge to draft human-like and highly engaging email copies that can be automated using AI-powered techniques.


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