Zapperr Software Solutions Au

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Zapperr Software Solutions Au, a social media marketing agency, is based in Cranbourne East, Australia. They provide social media marketing, CRM consulting and SI, custom software development, web development, and more and were founded in 2016.

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Zapperr Software Solutions Au was hired by SmartWellBeing, a company that offers medical treatment and coaching courses in life, marriage, and spirituality, to build their website and carry out SEO work. The company's CEO decided on Zapperr due to their geographic proximity, budget-friendly pricing, and alignment with company values. The website developed by Zapperr effectively provides the company's services and products, including a board game and a brain wave activation method for creating a wealth mindset, as well as a dating method for men. Currently, Zapperr is also working on SEO for the website and creating a chatbot for the site. The CEO found Zapperr through an online search and has expressed satisfaction with the value for cost and the alignment of Zapperr's values with their own.



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