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Established in 2023, WEBMAKERS is a small blockchain marketing company. Their team focuses on blockchain marketing, advertising, branding, direct marketing, and more. The agency is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Advertising & marketing


Business services


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 45%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 45%

Enterprise (>$1B) 10%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 2 projects

<$10K 1 project

$200K-$999K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

WebMakers was hired by Yieldstreet, a leading private market investment platform, to create smart contracts for their blockchain layer and construct the application's front and back end. WebMakers was chosen for their high ratings and budget-friendly pricing. A team of 2-5 employees was assigned to the project. They successfully created an easy-to-use platform for tokenizing stones, implemented strong security measures, and ensured transparent assetization procedures. Their expertise in blockchain technology was instrumental in maximizing the platform's functionality. The project resulted in a fully operational platform with robust security integration and open procedures.

Web3 Advisory, a firm specializing in launching Web3 projects, engaged WebMakers to increase their PR orders and offer more investment opportunities to their clients. WebMakers was selected for their affordability, culture fit, and aligned company values. A team of 2-5 employees was assigned to the project. They worked collaboratively to provide PR for clients and to present investment opportunities to clients with robust projects. The project is ongoing and has been successful so far.

Listing.wise, a brand consultancy firm, hired WebMakers to attract an audience for their project, which would allow them to sell their NFT collection and raise funds. WebMakers was chosen based on their high ratings. A team of 6-10 employees was assigned to the project. They successfully attracted an audience for the project, enabling the client to sell their NFT collection and raise funds. The project was a success and met the client's objectives.



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