The Wall. | Webflow Professional Partner

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The Wall Design is a small branding agency located in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Launched in 2021, the team offers branding, web design, ux/ui design, product design, and more.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Financial services


Other industries


Consumer products & services




Business services


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 50%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 40%

Enterprise (>$1B) 10%

Common Project Size

<$10K 3 projects


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

3 Reviews

For the tourist farm and restaurant, THE WALL. was tasked with unifying three separate websites to create a cohesive brand. The team, consisting of the owner/web developer and a secretary/assistant/marketing specialist, successfully developed and integrated the three different parts of the website. The client was pleased with the final product, noting that the vendor was selected through a mutual acquaintance and the project was executed as planned.

THE WALL. was engaged by a spa and wellness company to revamp their decade-old web shop. The client aimed to increase their selling rate and refresh their market presence. The vendor's team, comprised of two professionals, met the client's needs by suggesting and implementing effective solutions. The project was carried out through regular meet-ups and remote sessions, resulting in a successful update of the web shop.

For the producer of gastronomic products with chilis, THE WALL. was hired to develop a brand new website. The project was carried out by two team members - a developer and a designer. The selection of the vendor was based on a brief acquaintance and the client's recognition of the team's professionalism and creativity. The project started with a meeting to agree on key topics and gradually progressed to the creation of the website framework. The client expressed satisfaction with the final result, evident on their website,



Service Excellence




Would Recommend
