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Based in , , UTECH is a software development company. The midsize team provides custom software development, IT strategy consulting, search engine optimization, web development, and more and was founded in 2016.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Supply Chain, Logistics, and Transport


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 35%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 60%

Enterprise (>$1B) 5%

Common Project Size

$200K-$999K 2 projects

$50K-$199K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

3 Reviews

UTECH successfully completed a custom software and web development project for Handshake Fleet LLC, an equipment leasing company. The CFO of the company selected UTECH based on its proximity, budget-friendly pricing, and a referral. A team of 2-5 employees from UTECH worked to create a web platform for managing leasing and selling equipment. The project involved outlining the core features and content needs, developing a basic website design, building the website, integrating content, and ensuring proper functionality. The website was successfully published and made live, meeting the client's objectives.

In another project, UTECH developed custom transportation management software for Real Trucking Inc. The Project Manager found UTECH through an online search and a referral and chose them due to their high ratings, location, budget-friendly pricing, and recommendation. UTECH's team developed a core Transportation Management Software (TMS) application to streamline shipment management processes. The software included features for shipment management, carrier management, and reporting. Despite exclusions such as integration with third-party carrier tracking systems and advanced features like route optimization, the software successfully ensured core functionalities worked as intended.

UTECH also provided custom software and web development services for US Trucking Service, a logistics staffing agency. The President of the company hired UTECH to create an applicant management platform and a web portal for the company. The project involved setting goals, gathering requirements, selecting the AMP, configuring the AMP system, migrating customer data, developing AMP functionalities, testing, and deployment. The project was successful, with the AMP system launched and operational, and users trained and empowered. UTECH continues to provide ongoing support and system optimization based on user feedback.



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