Uptime Poland

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Vimanet is a software development company located in Krakow, Poland. Founded in 2007, its team of about 20 specializes in custom software development and web development.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise



Business services


Financial services


Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 30%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 60%

Enterprise (>$1B) 10%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 4 projects

$200K-$999K 4 projects

$50K-$199K 3 projects


  • 4subsea

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

19 Reviews

Vimanet was hired by an engineering and IT company for power industry to provide custom software development services. The team of 2-5 employees delivered full stack development in C# and Angular/Javascript. They also provided DevOps and ongoing product development. The client found Vimanet through an online search and chose them for their great cultural fit and cost-effectiveness. The client was pleased with the results.

In a project for Exsys Konsult, a company specializing in web/app software development, system integrations, and database consulting services, Vimanet provided web and mobile app development. The team of 6-10 employees developed a mobile application for staff reporting, a backoffice web application for management, an admin panel, reports and analytics, and integrated the software with the company's salary system. They used a modern tech stack including .NET, Angular, and React Native. The client found Vimanet through an online search and chose them for their high ratings, good value for cost, and alignment with company values. The client was satisfied with the results.

Vimanet was hired by Medmetrix, a marketplace for medical AI algorithms, to design their platform and build their web app. The team of 2-5 employees used Azure cloud services and the .NET framework to build the platform. They designed the app's architecture, developed secure user interfaces, integrated advanced AI algorithms, managed database systems, handled user authentication, and implemented data privacy measures. The client found Vimanet through an online search and chose them for their high ratings, affordable pricing, and good value for cost. The client was happy with the results.



Service Excellence




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