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Ubertesters is a software testing company based in Ridgewood, N.J., with an office in Ukraine. Founded in 2012, the team of 106 specializes in application testing, application management and support, and cloud consulting and SI. They work with mostly midmarket and small business clients, primarily in the business services industry.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services


Information technology




Financial services


Real estate




Supply Chain, Logistics, and Transport


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 35%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 53%

Enterprise (>$1B) 12%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects

$10K-$49K 1 project


  • T-Mobile

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

For the project "Outsourced QA for International App Development", Ubertesters provided software testing services for a company that provides software development services to other companies. The company's clients were not able to report bugs efficiently, leading to long communication and QA processes. They hired Ubertesters, who have testers all over the world, to address this issue. By contacting Ubertesters' project managers, they were able to hire testers globally quickly and efficiently. They have been working with Ubertesters since 2014 and have invested between $10,000 and $25,000 on their services.

In the project "Location & Device Specific Testing for Travel App", Ubertesters provided a cloud platform for test planning for the mobile application FairFly. The application helps travelers track their flights and find cheaper or better flights. The cloud platform allowed the company to run test plans from their mobile devices and immediately take screenshots of bugs and issues. These were then submitted to the application and automatically opened JIRA tickets for developers to solve. The company began working with Ubertesters in 2015 and ended the engagement in 2016 when they switched their business model.

For the project "Functionality Testing for Inspiration Mobile App", Ubertesters tested the functionality and use cases of the app Inspire, developed by Geshu.com. The app is an inspiration-generation tool from friends. Ubertesters provided feedback that was helpful in refining many of the functions and focusing on the core features of the app. They also tested the app for different versions of iOS and Android, different internet speeds, and no internet connection. The company started working with Ubertesters in 2014 and continues to work with them. They have invested under $10,000 in Ubertesters' services.



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