SunArc Technologies

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SunArc Technologies, an e-commerce development company, is headquartered in , India and , Singapore. The midsize firm was launched in 2003. Their team provides e-commerce development, search engine optimization, web development, ux/ui design, and more.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise



Business services


Consumer products & services


Information technology




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 35%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 40%

Enterprise (>$1B) 25%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 5 projects

<$10K 3 projects


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

9 Reviews

SunArc Technologies was hired by a veterinary scientist to design and develop a website for an online Journal on Livestock Science. Despite the client's lack of technical knowledge and being based in a small desert city, SunArc successfully launched the e-journal within a month. The website was well-received, with its articles easily searchable on Google and Google Scholar. The team also swiftly addressed a hacking incident, restoring the site within a day. The client worked with 3-4 people from SunArc, including the CEO and a web developer.

An online education provider, WWW.UKEARLYEDUCATION.IN, sought SunArc Technologies' expertise for website designing, digital marketing, and SEO. The team's understanding of the client's concept and clear financial policies were among the deciding factors for their selection. They launched a website offering short courses designed by UK universities for Indian school teachers. The project, which started in 2018, secured its first deal with a top school in South India and continues to progress. The client worked with a web developer, a designer, and an SEO specialist from SunArc.

A skincare company specializing in sensitive skin conditions hired SunArc Technologies for ongoing e-commerce web development work. Initially working on Wordpress/Woocommerce, the project then transitioned to Shopify. The goal was to create a fast, high-quality e-commerce platform optimized for conversion. The client worked primarily with Pankaj from SunArc, who was described as excellent. The project involved ongoing custom Shopify development and integrations.



Service Excellence




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