Off-Site Services

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Off-Site Services is located in New York and was founded in 2003. WIth 12 employees, they provide web development, application testing, and UX/UI design services for midmarket and small businesses.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Advertising & marketing


Financial services






Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 50%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects

$10K-$49K 1 project


  • Schrodinger

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

3 Reviews

Off-Site Services (OSS) collaborated with Meyer & Associates Marketing Communications to develop a flawless, professional email for deployment. OSS was engaged for their technical expertise and guidance, helping to respond to client needs under tight deadlines. The team at OSS offered advice in the early stages, developed the email from provided PSD files and gracefully handled revisions without overcharging. This partnership was successful and appreciated by the team at Meyer & Associates who have continued to work with OSS for over four years.

For a digital marketing agency, OSS developed a range of websites over a span of five years. The projects ranged from simple landing pages to complex, ADA compliant websites with comprehensive CMS databases. The team received design files and production documentation from the agency, and successfully developed the required sites, also creating template pages when needed. The partnership was consistently successful, with the agency team and OSS working together efficiently on each project.

In a project for a major financial services company in the Caribbean, OSS was hired to develop a custom Drupal CMS, create a website, and provide hosting and ongoing maintenance. The project was a partnership between OSS and the agency, aiming to deliver the best possible solution for the client. OSS's team, which consisted of 3-6 people at any given time, successfully developed the website from start to finish, hitting their deadline and maintaining a highly successful relationship with the agency.



Service Excellence




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