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SHMONG is a conversion optimization company. They are based in Brooklyn, New York and have a small team. Their team focuses on conversion optimization, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and web design.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

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Common Project Size

<$10K 1 project


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Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

SHMONG was hired by Passport Society, a luxury travel company that curates trips for young professionals in the United States, to provide videography services. The Chief Marketing Director of Passport Society found SHMONG through a referral. They chose SHMONG over other companies due to their high ratings, proximity to the company's location, affordable pricing, and good value for cost. A team of 2-5 employees from SHMONG worked on the project that included creating a recap video for the trips Passport Society organized to Jamaica, Colombia, and Dominican Republic. Each trip was documented through 2-3 recap videos. The results were highly satisfactory and the company was pleased with the quality of videos produced by SHMONG.



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