The Setters Agency

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The Setters Agency is a full-service social media marketing agency based in Manhattan, N.Y. They have a team of around 10 employees and were founded in 2018. Their services include social media marketing, digital strategy, PPC, and content marketing. 

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Advertising & marketing




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 60%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 40%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 7 projects

<$10K 3 projects


  • LightInTheBox

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

13 Reviews

The Setters Agency was engaged by Autoplush, a Swiss-based plush toys manufacturer, to expand their reach and identify their target audience. The agency successfully created and managed SMM campaigns on various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Ads, Etsy, and TikTok. They also designed email marketing campaigns and assisted with content creation using photos and assets provided by Autoplush. The agency helped Autoplush reach a female audience who also have an interest in cars by designing advertising content targeted towards women. They also provided consultancy and advice on conversion rate and website and campaign optimization. The partnership started in August 2020 and is ongoing.

In another project, The Setters Agency partnered with a cosmetic, medical, and dentistry company to increase brand awareness and engagement. The agency created Instagram social media content and ads, and also handled community management. They created a presentation and proposed content ideas to understand the brand and its communication. The client chose the designs they liked, and from there, the agency started creating the company’s Instagram content. The engagement lasted from October 2022 to January 2023.

For a dermatology and plastic surgery clinic, The Setters Agency was tasked with improving the content and engagement on their Instagram channel. They developed a strategy and advised the team on optimal ideas, themes, and stories for engagement. They handled the development of content from the raw footage provided and the day-to-day posting of materials. Each month they provided a full report and recap on the effectiveness of that month's activity. The agency was chosen for its high ratings and was referred to the client. The team size was between 6-10 employees.



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