SEOSOLUTION - Out of Business

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AsTech Solution is a digital marketing company based in Armagh, Ireland, and founded in 2017. Their team of more than two specializes in SEO, web development, and web design services for clients in the industries of business services, consumer products, and education.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services


Consumer products & services




Energy & natural resources




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 50%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 30%

Enterprise (>$1B) 20%

Common Project Size

<$10K 1 project


  • Greenquble

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

SEOSOLUTION was hired by a bespoke beds manufacturing company based in Ireland and the U.K. to improve their website's Google ranking. The company had previously employed another SEO firm that had not effectively set up their Google Search Console, resulting in disappointing performance. SEOSOLUTION worked diligently on the site, providing daily updates and consultations, which led to successful results within 2-3 months. They were able to not only increase the website's visibility on local and U.K-wide Google searches but also significantly improve its overall functionality.

The client selected SEOSOLUTION after an initial period of inquiry and discussion. They were impressed with the detailed reports provided by the team, showing their dedicated efforts towards improving the website. The team's punctual delivery, constant communication, and daily check-ins on the site were highly appreciated. The client commended the team's exceptional commitment to the tasks at hand, stating that they went above and beyond their expectations.

The collaboration with SEOSOLUTION has yielded positive results for the bed manufacturing company. They reported an increase in sales and traffic to their site, which they attribute to the improved SEO work. The client expressed satisfaction with the results and looks forward to a long-term working relationship with SEOSOLUTION. The team was lauded for their excellent performance in all tasks requested, earning them the client's gratitude and trust.



Service Excellence




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