SBJ Digital Private Limited

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SBJ Digital is a web development agency based in Mohali, India. The agency, founded in 2019, has a team of around ten that provides web design and development, mobile app development, e-commerce development, and UX/UI design services to various companies and institutions. 

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

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Client Size Distribution

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Common Project Size

<$10K 3 projects

$10K-$49K 3 projects



Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

6 Reviews

SBJ Digital Private Limited was hired by a stock photo website to revamp and maintain their previously developed website. The project involved fixing PHP errors, enhancing the search return page, embedding IPTC copyright ownership information into thousands of images, and speeding up the website. The team of five from SBJ Digital worked diligently on the project, resulting in a more efficient and user-friendly website that met Google's new requirements for marking images as licensable.

The company was also engaged by an IT service provider to redesign their website and help develop their brand. The project, carried out by two main developers, involved designing each website page for feedback and improvements and implementing the design under the company's domain. Technologies such as Wordpress, Elementor, Figma, and Cpanel were used. The client was pleased with the improved look and feel of the website and the better communication of the company's values and services.

In another project, SBJ Digital Private Limited was hired by Carster, an emergency roadside company, for web and app development. The team handled everything related to the company's WordPress platform, including the scope of work, UI/UX design, APIs, and product. They also worked on the company's website and both iOS and Android apps. The project, which lasted from October 2018–January 2019, resulted in a seamless integration of all elements, leading to a more user-friendly platform. The client invested approximately $20,000 in the project.



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