Quirky Letters Designs - Out of Business

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Quirky Letters Designs, LLC is a webs design and development agency that also provides SEO and graphic design services for small businesses. Established in 2020, the team is based in Virginia Beach.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise



Business services


Other industries




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 100%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects


  • Claim Your Own Crown

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

Quirky Letters Designs was hired by the CEO of One Funny Momma Productions, a parent company for the Cocoa Brown Collection and Cocoa’s Craveables, to design and develop a website for the latter. The project, which started in June 2020, involved building a website to promote the company's CBD baked goods line and setting up a Shopify account for seamless transactions. Quirky Letters Designs also incorporated pictures of the baked goods, music, effects, and graphics into the site design. The company continues to update the website by uploading new products as needed. The client expressed satisfaction with the work done by Quirky Letters Designs, which was hired after a virtual networking event.

In another project, Quirky Letters Designs was contracted by the owner of Datso Good Candles to develop an e-commerce website for the business. The project, which commenced in March 2020 and was completed by April 2020, involved building an aesthetically pleasing website from scratch using Wix. Quirky Letters Designs was also responsible for managing the fall rollout of new candles, updating the site with new pictures, product SKUs, and content. The client, who found Quirky Letters Designs through a Facebook group, was pleased with the work done by the company.



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