Quant Coding

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Quant Coding is a software development and data science agency based out of Demir Hisar, Macedonia, with a second location in Swindon, U.K. Founded in 2020 and with a team of 8 employees, they assist small businesses with web development, AI, customer software development, and more. Their clients span the financial, business, and IT industries.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Information technology


Business services


Financial services


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 95%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 5%

Common Project Size

<$10K 3 projects


  • Boussard & Gavaudan

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

3 Reviews

Quant Coding was hired by Ghosal Real Estate Holdings LLC for a project involving data collection and analysis to gain competitive market information about overnight rental rates and occupancy. The company's goal was to use the collected data to determine optimal rental rates for specific days of the year. Quant Coding developed a script that would scrape information from multiple rental companies and deliver the results to Ghosal Real Estate's mailbox every night. The project was completed successfully and Ghosal Real Estate appreciated Quant Coding's assertiveness in the bidding process and their fluency in English.

In another project, Quant Coding was hired to provide predictive data and analytics for an IT Business Service Provider. The scope of the project included data collection, reformatting, structuring data, building models, training, testing, and productionizing. Quant Coding's team, comprised of 1-2 data engineers and 1 data scientist, successfully completed the project, meeting the client's goals. The client, the CEO and co-founder of the IT Business Service Provider, selected Quant Coding for the project via Upwork.



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