Proven Technologies

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Proven Information Technologies is a midsize Çankaya, Turkey-based custom software development company. The team offers custom software development, application testing, and Artificial Intelligence.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Other industries


Information technology




Energy & natural resources


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 10%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 30%

Enterprise (>$1B) 60%

Common Project Size

<$10K 1 project

$10K-$49K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

3 Reviews

Proven Information Technologies was hired by a financial services company to develop an interactive chart and chat server for their web application. The company, which provides decentralized trading of cryptocurrencies, was highly pleased with the user-friendly and visually stunning exchange created by Proven. The client particularly praised the user interface for charting prices and liquidity, and the chat feature that enabled users to communicate their trading goals. The team at Proven was also commended for their efficient and collaborative work ethic, their implementation of cutting-edge technologies, and their thorough functional tests. The client highly recommended Proven for top-notch front-end development services.

A software development company hired Proven Information Technologies for website development. The goal was to create an accessible sports result website. The client selected Proven based on personal knowledge of the owner. The project involved developing web pages using the client's API functions. The team from Proven comprised of a junior, a senior, and a supervisor. The client did not provide specific feedback on the results of the project.

The European Championships 2022 in Munich engaged Proven Information Technologies for cybersecurity services. The vendor was selected based on previous working experience. The project involved full penetration testing on the internal environment of the event to search for vulnerabilities. The team from Proven included a project manager and a cybersecurity expert. The client did not provide specific feedback on the results of the project.



Service Excellence




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