Prometeo Talent SL

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Prometeo is an HR solutions firm based in Barcelona, Spain, with an office in Montevideo, Uruguay. The firm, founded in 2010, has a team of more than 40 that provides HR services and business consulting to small and midmarket IT companies.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Information technology






Advertising & marketing




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 30%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Enterprise (>$1B) 20%

Common Project Size

<$10K 5 projects

$10K-$49K 5 projects


  • Kaizen Softworks

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

16 Reviews

Prometeo Talent was hired by a multinational retail company to recruit for various positions across multiple departments in their newly opened business unit in Uruguay. The company found Prometeo online and chose them due to their proximity and aligned company values. The team, composed of 2-5 employees, communicated with the HR Lead through both in-person and virtual meetings. By the project's conclusion, Prometeo successfully filled positions in departments including C-level, marketing, software development, and UX/UI.

A software consulting company enlisted Prometeo Talent's services to aid in expanding their South American market presence. The company, which learned of Prometeo through a recommendation, worked intimately with a three-person team from November 2022 to January 2023. In addition to managing the talent selection process and arranging interviews, Prometeo customized their default hiring process to better suit the software company's needs. The process involved job descriptions, phone screenings, behavioral and technical interviews, background checks, and reference checking, resulting in contracts being offered to suitable candidates. They invested between $20,000-$30,000 in this project.

Prometeo Talent was contracted by The Winterbotham Trust Company, a financial firm, to recruit for their IT department. The firm discovered Prometeo online and selected them due to their high ratings, good culture fit, and aligned company values. The team of 2-5 employees from Prometeo collaborated with the company in the selection process, specializing in headhunting, promoting job opportunities, conducting candidate interviews, and providing feedback and follow-up meetings. The project was successful, with Prometeo's team effectively assisting in the recruitment of IT personnel for the financial company.



Service Excellence




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