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POLYARIX is a digital full cycle production company located in Dnipro, Ukraine. Founded in 2013, they comprise 10 employees specializing in website design, development and marketing for a range of businesses. Services include logos and illustrations, e-commerce, mobile apps, SEO, Google AdWords, copywriting, and IT consulting.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services






Advertising & marketing


Information technology


Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 65%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 30%

Enterprise (>$1B) 5%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 3 projects

<$10K 1 project


  • BM Pro

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

5 Reviews

POLYARIX was hired by an advertising and marketing company to develop the front and back end of websites, create web applications, and design websites. After finding POLYARIX through an online search and choosing them for their high ratings and good value, a team of 2-5 employees were assigned to the project. The client commends POLYARIX for creating various websites with custom functionalities and an easy-to-navigate CMS. They also appreciated the team's openness to revisions and improvements.

The company specializing in psychology and sports engaged POLYARIX to build an in-house platform for athletes to measure their psychological profiles. They chose POLYARIX for their quick response time and competence. The project encompassed a wide range of tasks including illustration, UI/UX, and development, all handled efficiently by a team of four from POLYARIX. The client was impressed with the comprehensive service provided by the team, especially the project manager, Illia.

Buildmart Windows & Doors, a digital marketing company for windows and doors installation, hired POLYARIX for website development, IT support, and systems integration. The company found POLYARIX through a referral and was impressed by their high ratings, budget-friendly pricing, and company values. A team of 2-5 employees worked on their project, providing website and graphics design, and WordPress development services. The client has been working with POLYARIX for over six years and commends their consistent service quality and professional approach. They have no plans of changing their IT services provider and are happy to recommend POLYARIX to other clients.



Service Excellence




Would Recommend
