Podsix - Out of Business

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Podsix is a software development company founded in 2018 and based in Kentwood, Mich. Podsix’s 9-person team specializes in e-commerce development, ERP Consulting and SI, and web design. Most of their clients have been midmarket businesses with a focus on e-commerce, retail, and business services industries.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise





Business services


Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 20%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 80%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 3 projects

$50K-$199K 2 projects


  • Mobile Defenders

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

5 Reviews

Podsix was hired by an electronics supply company to develop a public-facing eCommerce website and a customer portal. The goal was to provide an easy and quick method for customers to order and re-order products. Podsix worked closely with the company, providing valuable input and ideas. They created wireframes and mock-ups, integrated the website with other systems for accounting and fulfillment purposes, and ensured real-time order updates for the sales team. Post-launch, Podsix stayed involved to fix any minor issues and monitor the success of their work. The company was pleased with the results and the added value Podsix brought to their customers.

Podsix worked with AutoExec, an auto company, to create an eCommerce website. The aim was to improve sales, increase brand awareness, and generate more in-house dollars with better margins. Podsix built a robust eCommerce platform equipped to handle a complex catalog of customizable products and marketing tools. They also improved the company's branding on the website and created workflows to help fulfill online orders promptly. The president of AutoExec expressed satisfaction with the project's timely completion and the professional relationship with Podsix.

CPR Cell Phone Repair, the world's largest electronics repair retail chain, hired Podsix to create a multi-location eCommerce store and incorporate it into their existing website. The goal was to enable all their stores to sell a combination of in-store and vendor-owned pre-owned device inventory. Podsix designed, developed, and launched the eCommerce store with multiple integrations, paths to purchase, and payment automation. The client was impressed by the work Podsix had done for one of their key vendors and was satisfied with the result of this project.



Service Excellence




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