Oriental Outsourcing Consultants Pvt. Ltd

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Oriental Outsourcing Consultants Pvt. Ltd is a website development company. Launched in 2004, the firm is based in Kharar, India. The midsize team offers web development, mobile app development, custom software development, search engine optimization, and more.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise





Advertising & marketing


Financial services


Real estate




Food & Beverage


Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 40%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 30%

Enterprise (>$1B) 30%

Common Project Size

<$10K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

Oriental Outsourcing Consultants Pvt. Ltd. was hired by Byeuni, a college crowdfunding company, to develop a website and mobile app. The goal was to create a platform for graduating students to create campaigns for gifts. The app allowed users to create an account as a fundraiser, initiate campaigns, invite others for contributions, and add team members who can invite guests to contribute to the campaign. The website would receive a maximum of 2.5% as service charges from the contributions. The client found the team through an online search and Upwork, and chose them for their competitive pricing and good value for cost.

In another project, Oriental Outsourcing Consultants Pvt. Ltd. was hired by TechCreators, a software company, to provide web development services. They were tasked to create a custom patient management system for a healthcare client to streamline operations and improve patient care. The system included features like patient registration, profile management, appointment scheduling with automated reminders, secure electronic health records management, billing and invoicing functionality, and an intuitive UI/UX design. The client found Oriental Outsourcing Consultants Pvt. Ltd. through a referral and chose them for their budget-friendly pricing, good value for cost, and alignment with company values.

Oriental Outsourcing Consultants Pvt. Ltd. was also hired by Agility Consulting, a staffing and recruitment agency, for website redesign, SEO, and social media marketing. The aim was to create a user-friendly, high-performing website with updated content, higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and engaging social media presence. The project also included regular reports and analytics on website performance, SEO effectiveness, and social media metrics. The client found Oriental Outsourcing Consultants Pvt. Ltd. through a referral and chose them for their competitive pricing, good value for cost, and alignment with company values.



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