Nathan Accounting Group

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Nathan Accounting Group, an accounting company, is headquartered in Avon, Connecticut. The small team offers accounting and was launched in 1998.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Other industries


Real estate


Business services


Arts, entertainment & music


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 100%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

The Nathan Accounting Group was selected by a Managed IT Services Provider, with the founder and CEO at the core of making this decision. The provider required a trustworthy accountant who would prioritize the company's interests. The Nathan Accounting Group was tasked with handling the company's yearly taxes, including the CEO's personal taxes and taxes related to other real estate investments. They also provided support for any accounting and tax-related issues throughout the year. They adopted a pay-as-you-go billing system and the team from Nathan Accounting Group received positive feedback for their overall performance.

In another project, Nathan Accounting Group was commissioned by 88 International, a music and education nonprofit organization that conducts social impact projects in developing countries. The nonprofit required accounting services, primarily for filing and submitting tax forms. They invested about $5000 in Nathan Accounting Group's services. The partnership, which began in January 2015, is still ongoing. The nonprofit organization worked with a team of four from Nathan Accounting Group, and the engagement has been successful.



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