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Software development company Morplo was established in 2023. The firm provides custom software development and web development and has a small team.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Information technology


Financial services


Business services




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 80%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 20%

Common Project Size

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Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

Morplo was hired by Naratour, a company that creates mobile apps and digital solutions for interactive tours of landmarks and cultural heritage sites, with the goal of increasing overall website traffic, improving keyword ranking, enhancing user experience onsite, and boosting brand awareness. Morplo, chosen for its value for cost and alignment with company values, assembled a team of 2-5 employees for the project. The team developed the Naratour app website as an interactive platform to attract, inform, and convert users by showcasing the app's features and providing seamless access to its services. The website includes a captivating homepage, a section dedicated to escape games, pages for partner services, and a functional contact us page. Morplo also focused on UX/UI design, creating a responsive layout and visually appealing design that aligns with Naratour's branding. SEO was implemented to improve search engine visibility and attract organic traffic, and performance optimization ensured quick load times and consistent performance across all devices and browsers. The project included comprehensive testing for functionality, cross-browser compatibility, and user testing to refine usability and navigation. The website was successfully launched with post-launch support and ongoing maintenance for security and updates. The result was a dynamic, user-friendly platform for exploring cities, galleries, and museums through audio guides and interactive tours, which has increased traffic and improved user satisfaction.



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