Lemolite Technologies LLP

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Lemolite Technologies LLP is an e-commerce development firm headquartered in Ahmedabad, India. Their team of approximately 4 employees primarily provides Shopify development. They can also handle web and mobile app development.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Information technology






Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 70%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 30%

Common Project Size

<$10K 9 projects

$10K-$49K 2 projects


  • Sandows

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

12 Reviews

Lemolite Technologies LLP was hired by a furniture solutions company for web development. The manager, Vishal, found Lemolite online and was impressed by their professional approach. A team of 7-8 people from Lemolite worked on the project, delivering a high-quality website that met the company's needs. The manager praised the team's work, describing them as nice and efficient.

The company was also engaged by an e-commerce company, Firm Buy E-Commerce Store, for store development, research and development, and marketing. The founder of the company was pleased with the world-class scope of work provided by Lemolite, which included decision making, research and development, and design. The project involved a large amount of work, including extensive computer codes and designs. The team of 6-10 people from Lemolite were described as excellent and fluent in their work.

An astrology company also hired Lemolite for web development and design. The company needed a website to reach more customers and showcase their services and products. They found Lemolite online and were satisfied with the work done by the team of 7-8 people. The project involved the use of keywords and product descriptions, which were effectively used to optimize the website. The company was pleased with the outcome, praising the team's efficiency and professionalism.



Service Excellence




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