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KR. Laboratories is a full-cycle digital studio based in Drogobych, Ukraine. The studio, founded in 2019, has a team of less than ten that provides web development, SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, IT strategy consulting, cloud consulting & SI, and cybersecurity services. KR. Laboratories serves small and mid-market companies and institutions in various industries that include education, business services, and financial services.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise



Business services


Financial services




Arts, entertainment & music


Information technology


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 70%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 30%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects


  • Scanska

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

3 Reviews

KR.Laboratories was hired by a Swedish construction company, SCANSKA, to set up and maintain a comprehensive IT infrastructure based on Windows. They assessed all cybersecurity risks and installed monitoring systems, antivirus, and antispyware software. They also provided consultation and training to the company's IT department. A full-stack specialist from KR.Laboratories worked with the company to achieve their goals. The client was satisfied with the results and the professional advice and practical solutions provided by KR.Laboratories on cybersecurity matters.

In another project, KR.Laboratories provided SEO services to an internet marketing company, Maximus SEO. The goal was to conduct a comprehensive SEO optimization of the online store and promote it in search engines and social media pages. The Head of SEO from KR.Laboratories worked with the client and carried out a comprehensive SEO audit, technical optimization, internal optimization, and external optimization. The client was pleased with the work done by KR.Laboratories, stating that they were reliable and completed the work in a short time.

KR.Laboratories was also hired by an industrial mountaineering company to develop websites, web pages, and web applications, and administer, maintain, and promote them on the internet. The project involved the development of several sites on the WordPress CMS using programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, and Python. They also used GIT, Google Cloud Platform, Debian Linux Server, and developed an app for Android/iOS platforms and a chatbot. The client was satisfied with the high quality of work delivered by KR.Laboratories at a relatively small price. The client worked with backend and frontend developers from KR.Laboratories on this project.



Service Excellence




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