Kreante NoCode & LowCode Agency

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Kreante is a small web design agency founded in 2020. Their services include web design, ux/ui design, product design, branding, and more. The agency is located in Miraflores, Peru.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

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Client Size Distribution

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Common Project Size

<$10K 11 projects

$10K-$49K 6 projects

$50K-$199K 2 projects


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Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

24 Reviews

Kreante was hired by the FinTech company, Sell Securely, to develop an app, custom APIs, and payment options. Found through an online search, Kreante was selected for the project due to the good value for cost. The team, consisting of 2-5 employees, delivered a custom API for customer verification.

In a separate project, Kreante worked with an education company to create an MVP for a new product. The education company, which aims to empower women to start and grow in technology, found Kreante through a referral. The company chose Kreante for its proximity, budget-friendly pricing, cultural fit and value for cost. Kreante’s team launched a continuing education platform where students can enrol in learning programs and join a learning community.

Kreante was also engaged by a financial services company to create a website and mobile app that supports financial transactions with selected counterparties. The company found Kreante through online search and social media, and selected them for their affordable pricing and good value for cost. The project, executed by 2-5 employees from Kreante, involved the creation of a website and mobile app to facilitate financial transactions.



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