JoDi Services

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JoDi Services is a tech solutions provider based in Bothell, Wash. Their team of less than 10 serves small business, midmarket, and enterprise clients across IT and other industries. Services include web, mobile app, e-commerce, and more software development.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Other industries


Information technology




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 40%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 35%

Enterprise (>$1B) 25%

Common Project Size

<$10K 1 project


  • FunkiCases

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

JoDi Services successfully completed a project for a unique mobile application on IOS and Android called 'app'. The founder of 'app' approached JoDi Services with a broad concept, which was quickly refined into a specific app design by CEO, Shreshth Kharbanda and his team. The goal was to build a fully functioning app within six months that would facilitate the easy discovery of nearby functions and parties. Despite the ambitious timeline, JoDi Services was able to deliver on time without compromising on quality.

The decision to hire JoDi Services was driven by their impressive past work and competitive pricing. The project, named 'Func Finder', aimed to help users organize and manage functions efficiently, including the ability to manage RSVPs and verify attendees. JoDi Services was able to exceed expectations by delivering a cross-platform app that not only met these requirements but also included a fully functioning website for free.

The project was executed by a team of four members, each with a specific role, ensuring effective collaboration throughout the project. The client claimed this decision to choose JoDi Services was the best they had made as a team. The app, designed to have a mass amount of downloads and an ease of use, was anticipated to become the primary tool for users to find functions and parties.



Service Excellence




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