IQ Ecommerce Inc.

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IQ Ecommerce Inc. Is an e-commerce development firm established in 2020. The small team specializes in e-commerce development, digital strategy, content marketing, and web development. The firm is located in Toronto, Canada.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise



Financial services


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 33%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 33%

Enterprise (>$1B) 34%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects

$10K-$49K 2 projects


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

IQ Ecommerce Inc. was hired by to assist with content marketing. The client's main issues were related to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. IQ Ecommerce provided a detailed roadmap to address these issues and implemented an innovative execution plan. Their team of a project manager and two content marketing specialists worked closely with the client, successfully increasing audience engagement and reducing the bounce rate.

Gomlab, a leading tech news platform, hired IQ Ecommerce Inc. for a website revamp. The client was facing issues with organic reach, lead conversion rate, and device accessibility. IQ Ecommerce used SEO tools and Agile techniques to redevelop the website, optimizing its loading speed and improving its design. A project manager, a UI/UX designer, an SEO/SEM specialist, and a developer from IQ Ecommerce worked on the project, delivering a renovated website that met the client's needs and exceeded their expectations.

Open Load Pair, a blogging platform for professionals, hired IQ Ecommerce Inc. for SEO services. Their goal was to increase traffic to their website. IQ Ecommerce was selected for their potential to fulfill the client's requirements. A team of three, including a project manager, a digital marketing specialist, and an SEO specialist, worked on the project. They conducted on-page and off-page SEO activities, keyword research, and meta description and title creation. As a result, the client's website traffic significantly increased.



Service Excellence




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