Intend - Out of Business

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Intend, an IT strategy consulting company, was founded in 2014. They are based in Kiev, Ukraine and have a small team. Intend focuses on IT strategy consulting, custom software development, ux/ui design, product design, and more.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services


Consumer products & services


GPS, Navigation & GIS


Information technology




Other industries


Supply Chain, Logistics, and Transport


Arts, entertainment & music




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 20%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Enterprise (>$1B) 30%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 7 projects

<$10K 1 project

$50K-$199K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

9 Reviews

Intend was hired by Alfa-Bank Ukraine to develop a website for their VIP clients. The project was divided into stages, starting with the development of the site design, followed by the actual site development, and the provision of instructions for use. The project encountered a challenge when the management decided to change the design, but Intend quickly adapted and made the necessary changes. Despite working under stress and tight deadlines, the Intend team delivered a high-quality result. The main points of contact were the project manager and the CEO of Intend.

Bio-Technology, a producer of biological agents, hired Intend to develop a custom software named Biomonitoring. This included a web application and a CRM that would allow for convenient control of greenhouse crops through a smartphone or tablet. The project was divided into stages, starting with the development of technical documentation and identifying the functionality for the MVP. The team followed the Scrum methodology for the project. After the software was developed, the company continued to work with Intend to add new functionality. The project involved collaboration with a Product Owner and Business Analyst from Intend.

Intend was hired by the NCA Group, a real estate company, for website development. The project was recommended by a colleague who had previously worked with Intend. The project involved a detailed analysis of the company's competitors and target audience, the creation of a UI design, and the development of the site. The project took between two to two and a half months to complete. The team included a Designer, a Developer, a DevOps, and a Project Manager, with the latter being the main point of contact.



Service Excellence




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