Idea Reality - Product Design

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Idea Reality - Product Design is a design agency based in Andover, England, and founded in 2013. With fewer than 10 experts, they offer product design solutions to various clients.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Consumer products & services


Business services




Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 90%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 10%

Common Project Size

<$10K 3 projects

$10K-$49K 1 project


  • Motionlab Bags

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

Idea Reality - Product Design collaborated with a cat lifestyle products company to design innovative, high-quality, and affordable products such as climbing frames. The company, which has invested approximately $25,000-$30,000, found Idea Reality through an internet search, choosing them for their small, dedicated team. Idea Reality worked within the client's parameters, including finding optimal materials while keeping production costs down, and engineering the climbing devices for safe wall mounting. The project began in the spring of 2017 and the collaboration is ongoing.

For Lightseal Ltd., a company developing sleep aid products, Idea Reality - Product Design was hired to help bring a single idea for a consumer product to market. This encompassed everything from concept design to CAD and route to market, with the goal of having a finalised prototype ready for manufacture at mass scale within 12 months. Idea Reality was recommended to Lightseal by a past client. They developed a prototype using 3D printing, which after numerous alterations and fine tuning, was ready for injection moulding manufacture. The project was managed by Sharon, who ensured efficient communication between the client and the Idea Reality team.

Eden Gp, an online business operating on the Amazon platform under the Levey brand, hired Idea Reality - Product Design to improve the design of a product range. The goal was to enhance the product's appeal and information. Idea Reality was chosen for their understanding of female product requirements, their affordable pricing, and their experienced team. After discussing the project and improvements to the existing design, Idea Reality contacted printers to ensure the final stage of the process (packaging) could deliver an excellent result. This proactive approach sped up the process and helped the client's business take off.



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