Houston Design Company - Out of Business

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Houston Design Company is a design agency founded in 2020 with a team of fewer than 10 people. Based in Houston, they are experts in branding, logo services, and web design for small and mid-market firms in the industries of consumer products, energy, and retail.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Hospitality & leisure




Business services


Consumer products & services




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 75%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 25%

Common Project Size

<$10K 4 projects

$10K-$49K 1 project


  • inglés individual®

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

5 Reviews

Inglés Individual, Mexico's leading English school, engaged the Houston Design Company to establish an online presence amid the pandemic. The founder and CEO worked closely with the creative director, Pablo, and his team on brand identity and website development for the new online school. The website needed to facilitate class scheduling, payments, and online sessions for students worldwide. The collaboration was successful due to the prior relationship between the two companies.

A music organization contracted Houston Design Company to create a logo and design an element for a soccer jersey item in their merchandise line. The project, which ran from January to February 2020, involved collaboration with Pablo, the creative director. Despite the unique compensation agreement based on a percentage of merchandise sales featuring the logo, the collaboration was successful thanks to the existing personal relationship between the parties.

Penn EDS, an Electrical Engineering services provider, hired Houston Design Company to develop a new business image. The director of Penn EDS wanted to create a logo and image for an alternative company. The vendor was chosen through LinkedIn, and the project involved an analysis to create a profile for the image. The director was the sole company representative involved in the project. This collaboration was a success, demonstrating Houston Design Company's ability to work effectively with a single point of contact.



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