Hello Iconic

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Hello Iconic is a custom software development company based in Pasadena, California. They specialize in custom software development, web development, mobile app development, ux/ui design, and more and were established in 2011.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Arts, entertainment & music


Business services


Financial services




Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 25%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Enterprise (>$1B) 25%

Common Project Size

$200K-$999K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

Hello Iconic was tasked by the CEO of NeilYoungArchives.com to develop and evolve their website and mobile applications. The company was chosen due to alignment in company values. A team of 2-5 employees from Hello Iconic was assigned to design the website and apps for iOS and Android, with development continuing as the site and apps evolved with additional features and capabilities. The team was responsible for a major portion of the platforms, including design, testing, and building. The selection of Hello Iconic was based on a referral.

For the cybersecurity-as-a-service provider, Cyvatar, Hello Iconic was hired for platform development, creation, and maintenance. Cyvatar's CEO found Hello Iconic through a referral and selected them because of their great cultural fit and aligned company values. A team of 6-10 employees from Hello Iconic was assigned to this project. The key deliverables included a high-quality prototype, beautiful, intuitive UI, and scalable architecture. Cyvatar needed assessments containing hundreds of questions distilled into a set of user-friendly templates and capabilities built on consumer-facing best practices. They also required UX and UI requirements in addition to all of the rapidly scaling integrations so that users would have an easy, enjoyable experience from the outset.



Service Excellence




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