Hammer Marketing

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Weidenhammer is a strategy consulting firm based in Wyomissing, Pa. and founded in 1978. Their team of 203 employees specializes in eCommerce development, mobile marketing, and web design for clients in the consumer products, financial services, and retail industries. 

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Consumer products & services


Financial services




Other industries




Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 10%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 90%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 3 projects

$50K-$199K 3 projects


  • Gertrude Hawk

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

6 Reviews

Hammer Marketing was engaged by a building service company to streamline their safety audit process. The company's employees, who manage up to 100 active projects at a time, needed a more efficient way to conduct site audits. Hammer Marketing developed a cloud-based system that allowed employees to log in using Office 365 credentials, complete audits and submit them electronically. The system was designed as a website with the look and feel of an app, and could function both online and offline. The project, which ran from February to July 2018, cost the company between $42,000 and $45,000.

For MGS Consulting, Hammer Marketing was tasked with updating and modernizing an online class for individuals completing a driving under the influence program. The class was originally developed by a different company a decade ago. Hammer Marketing rebuilt the entire class, added new features, updated the technology, and included a Spanish translation and a feature for hearing impaired clients. They also updated the payment gateway for efficiency and variety. The project, which cost about $120,000, started in March 2017 and was completed in March 2018.

A community media organization engaged Hammer Marketing for site design, architecture, and platform migration. The company developed and designed a new website for the organization and migrated web and video content to the new platform. The website was built on WordPress and the Hammer Marketing team trained the organization's staff on how to use it. They also connected the organization's cable studio to the website and designed a feature that sweeps their YouTube channel for content to move to the homepage. The project, which cost close to $25,000, ran from February to November 2018.



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