Gm2 Services Agency

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Social media marketing agency Gm2 Services Agency was founded in 2022. Located in Austin, Texas, their small team specializes in social media marketing and content marketing.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 60%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 35%

Enterprise (>$1B) 5%

Common Project Size

<$10K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

Gm2 Services Agency was hired by an executive at a digital marketing agency to manage their Instagram account. Their goal was to increase engagement and connect with a new audience. The client chose Gm2 Services Agency due to their high ratings, competitive pricing, and perceived value for cost. The project was handled by a single employee from Gm2 Services Agency. The scope of work involved promoting the client's products and services, running ads, and using Instagram to share information about digital marketing and attract new clients.

In another project, Gm2 Services Agency was engaged by the co-founder of FlexFit, a cutting-edge fitness company, to manage their company's Instagram account. The client found Gm2 Services Agency through a referral and chose them due to their high ratings and proximity to the client's location. The project was managed by one employee from Gm2 Services Agency. The key deliverables included regular posting on the company's Instagram account, handling direct messages, and providing hashtags for posts.



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