Gemadept Corporation

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Founded in 1990, Gemadept Corporation is a commercial property management company. In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, their large team provides commercial property management, logistics & supply chain consulting, commercial development, air freight, and more.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

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Client Size Distribution

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Common Project Size

$1,000,000-$9,999,999 1 project


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Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

Gemadept Corporation was selected to provide warehouse management and delivery services for a wholesaler in Vietnam. The decision to work with Gemadept arose when the wholesaler's previous logistics provider increased their prices. The scope of Gemadept's involvement included customs clearance of shipments, delivery to two warehouses in the North and South of the country, and logistics services such as handling and shipping goods to other countries. The client maintained contact with a team of five from Gemadept's management level, while a larger team of 70-80 handled operations at the warehouse level. The wholesaler has invested an estimated $10 million in the project since beginning in January 2019. Despite the significant financial investment, the client views Gemadept as an established partner due to their extensive infrastructure, which includes large warehouses and around 900 trucks and ships.



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