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FlexMade is a software research and development company with offices in Bellevue, Wash.; Krakow, Poland; Kharkiv, Ukraine; and Sheffield, England. Founded in 2006, they have 63 employees who provide scalable and cost-efficient software products to businesses and individuals around the world. They are particularly experienced with e-commerce solutions, mobile apps development and PHP development of web applications.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise











Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 80%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 20%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 7 projects

$50K-$199K 3 projects

<$10K 2 projects


  • BuzzFeed

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

19 Reviews

FlexMade was hired by a data visualization & analysis company to transform a spreadsheet-based Health Risk Assessment system into a multi-user, web-based, secure application. The goal was to create an intuitive system for healthcare providers and their patients to understand health risks and receive guidance for better health. FlexMade developed a Python and Postgres based system with multiple levels of security, responsive for both mobile and desktop. The system was hosted on AWS and local servers, and integrated with building access devices and payment processing systems. The project team consisted of less than 10 people including DBA, security specialists, Python developers and project managers. The client was pleased with the project outcome, highlighting FlexMade's technical and project management expertise.

The CEO of Stephanie Buttermore, LLC, a content creation and fitness training company, hired FlexMade to create a custom fitness mobile app. FlexMade was chosen for their competitive pricing and good value for cost. The app was designed to mirror the company's PDF training programs, including video demonstrations, workouts and a feature to save training log information. The CEO of Stephanie Buttermore, LLC was pleased with the deliverables, noting the referral as a key factor in choosing FlexMade.

FlexMade was contracted by GleeFit, a digital platform for live, online, small group exercise classes, to create their MVP. Prior to FlexMade's involvement, the project had two unsuccessful starts with other programming agencies. FlexMade was recommended by a friend and entrepreneur in Seattle. They developed a beta version of the product, which after extensive testing, was launched as a fully live version. The product is a mobile-enabled website with a customised front end and a WordPress back end, integrated into a white label video solution (Samba), and also integrated into Stripe and Paypal for payments. The project team included a project manager, programmers, and front and back end developers. The CEO of GleeFit expressed satisfaction with the deliverables and highlighted the vendor's responsiveness and efficiency.



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