Divining Point

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Divining Point is a marketing agency that specializes in branding, digital strategy, and SEO. Based in Austin, TX, Divining Point's small team of around 5 employees has worked with B2B and B2C organizations since the firm's founding in 2013. 

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services




Consumer products & services


Hospitality & leisure




Real estate


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 65%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 35%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 2 projects

<$10K 1 project

$50K-$199K 1 project


  • Buffington Homes

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

Divining Point was contracted by The Dinner Dude, a meal kit service, to redesign both the frontend and backend of their website. The website overhaul involved improving inventory management capabilities and making the site responsive on mobile. In addition, Divining Point updated the UI/UX with professionally photographed images and took steps to increase the site's conversion rate. The project, which ran from October to December 2017, cost the client between $20,000 and $30,000. The Dinner Dude expressed satisfaction with Divining Point's work and continues to rely on them for ongoing support services.

The CPU design company, Centaur Technology, enlisted the help of Divining Point for a quick overhaul of their existing website in preparation for their college recruiting drive. Divining Point conducted a thorough review and analysis of the website, identifying and fixing numerous security and optimization issues. They also made content updates and created a poster for an event. The client was pleased with Divining Point's work and is considering them for a larger project in 2019.

Greeley Street Consulting, an accounting and software development consultancy, hired Divining Point for various services including brand management, marketing strategy, digital marketing, and sales support. Divining Point developed content for the consultancy's website and social media channels, including LinkedIn and Facebook. They continue to generate social media content, drive direct sales, and attract visitors to the site. The client speaks highly of Divining Point's team of experts in marketing, advertising, digital media, and digital marketing.



Service Excellence




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