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Digital Tech is a freelance digital firm based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. They have offered web development, e-commerce development, and web design solutions since 2019. They work with small and medium-sized agencies alike.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise



Advertising & marketing


Business services


Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 50%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects


  • Asgnsport

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

Digital Tech successfully completed a project for the Digital Freelance Company (DFC) based in the Netherlands. DFC hired Digital Tech to create a course platform for sports courses, incorporating a payment system. Digital Tech stood out due to their competitive pricing, creativity, and passion. They utilized Laravel and PHP to develop a comprehensive system with features including automatic emails, 2FA, complete admin and user account system, and a payment system. The project was executed by a single dedicated developer from Digital Tech. The client expressed satisfaction with the efficient and effective execution of the project.

In another project, Digital Tech was hired by a CEO of multiple businesses including a consulting firm, a sports agency, and an e-commerce platform. Digital Tech was tasked with the development and maintenance of all their websites. The decision to hire Digital Tech was influenced by the quality and professionalism demonstrated in a previous project where they created a banner. A team of four from Digital Tech handled the project, taking full responsibility for the development, maintenance, and daily updates of the businesses' operations. The client was highly satisfied with the level of commitment and quality of work delivered by Digital Tech.



Service Excellence




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