Cypress Mill Co, LLC - Out of Business

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Cypress Mill Co, LLC is a software development company based in Florence, Ala. Their team of fewer than 10 has provided custom software development solutions since their founding in 2018. They work with clients in the fields of business services, e-commerce, and IT solutions.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services




Information technology


Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 80%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 10%

Enterprise (>$1B) 10%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 1 project

$50K-$199K 1 project

$200K-$999K 1 project


  • Green Mountain Technologies

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

3 Reviews

Cypress Mill Co, LLC, completed a custom software development project for a staffing and recruiting company. The company CEO wanted to leverage an external organization to aid in software development, specifically in bug fixes and the introduction of new features. Cypress Mill Co, LLC, provided full-stack development, delivered individual features, and offered high-level support and code investigation. They worked with Python, Django, and JavaScript, and helped configure the server infrastructure with MySQL and AWS. They also developed a client appointment module and a remote intake ability to assist with mortgage and utility assistance. The engagement, which began in April 2018, saw the company investing over $500,000.

In another project, Cypress Mill Co, LLC, developed a mobile app for Mefford Jewelers, an independent jewelry store. The app was designed to make jewelry talk by scanning a QR code to play a recorded message. The team worked within the existing basic infrastructure and reconstituted it into a workable product, creating everything from the interface to the user experience. The app has since gone live and is currently in the testing phase. The engagement, which started in July 2021, saw the jewelry store investing around $30,000.

The company also provided software development services for Green Mountain Technologies, a commercial composting company. Cypress Mill Co, LLC, was tasked with programming the company's web Mac system, which involves computerized controls of composting systems, and assisting with the programming of some controls. The team, which consisted of 2-4 members, worked remotely and closely with the company's electronics technician. The ongoing engagement, which started in February 2018, saw the composting company investing between $50,000-$70,000 a year.



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