Creative Marketing Engine - Out of Business

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Creative Marketing Engine is a marketing firm founded in 2018 in Baltimore with fewer than 10 experts. They offer web design, digital strategy, and social media marketing solutions to small businesses in the fields of business and financial services, among others.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services


Financial services


Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 100%

Common Project Size

<$10K 2 projects


  • Silver Peaks CPA

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

Creative Marketing Engine was engaged by an accounting firm to create a lead magnet and a follow-up email series. The team developed a landing page using WordPress and wrote the copy for the lead magnet. They also created a five-part email sequence which was implemented with MailChimp. The project, which was completed in August 2019, cost approximately $1,500. The client worked closely with Leah, the Web Designer & Marketer at Creative Marketing Engine, throughout the process.

In another project, Creative Marketing Engine was hired by PDG Building Consultants in New York City to develop a website. The company's owner was connected with Leah, the founder of Creative Marketing Engine, through LinkedIn. Leah designed the website based on an online questionnaire filled out by the owner, which helped convey the company's needs. The website included features such as a contact page and informative, easy-to-navigate pages. The project was completed between January and April 2019 at a cost of under $5,000. Leah continues to maintain the website and provides regular reports.



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