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Codingo D.O.O. Podgorica, a website development firm, is in Podgorica, Montenegro. The small team offers web development, custom software development, IT strategy consulting, and mobile app development. The agency was launched in 2015.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise



Business services


Advertising & marketing


Information technology


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 40%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 60%

Common Project Size

<$10K 1 project

$50K-$199K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

Codingo was hired by Africa Practice Ltd., a strategic advisory company, to upgrade their SaaS platform used for advising clients about stakeholder engagement. The platform had significant technical debt and performance issues. Codingo was chosen based on positive customer reviews and demonstrated a deep understanding of the required technologies. They undertook a deep refactoring and upgrade of the core Laravel framework, implemented a series of version releases, and enhanced the app and infrastructure security. They also aided in migrating from a traditional LAMP stack to Google cloud. A team of three, including the lead technical architect and two developers, worked on the project.

Deutsches Haus Montenegro (DHM), a learning organization, engaged Codingo to address a decline in student numbers during the COVID-19 pandemic. They suspected the issue was with their website and advertising efforts. Codingo was tasked with creating a new website and migrating all content from the old site. They also developed all branding materials, except for the logo, which was already familiar to the countries DHM operated in. The new website was designed to be user-friendly. The project, which ran from August to September 2021, was led by Codingo's Founder, Ivan, and Graphic & Web Designer, Marina. The total investment for this project was around $1,800.



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