Cleverix - Software Engineering

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Cleverix Ltd. Is a IT staff augmentation company. Their small team is headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria. Their services include IT staff augmentation, custom software development, and application testing. The company was established in 2022.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Information technology


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 50%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Common Project Size

$50K-$199K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

2 Reviews

Cleverix LLC was hired by Pontigo, a digital fulfillment solution for global e-commerce brands, to create a clickable prototype. The Co-Founder & CTO of Pontigo discovered Cleverix LLC through a referral and chose them for their high ratings, good value for cost, and past experience with similar projects. Cleverix LLC assigned 2-5 employees to the project. The scope of work included creating wireframes that provided a basic visual representation of the layout and structure of the Pontigo platform, with a focus on functionality and user experience. They also created prototypes with more detailed design elements and simulated interactions and workflows for a more realistic testing and feedback experience. The results were highly satisfactory, with the prototype effectively showcasing the brand to potential e-commerce partners.



Service Excellence




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