BATL Marketing

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BATL Marketing, a website development company, was launched in 2018. Their small team is based in Austin, Texas and offers web development, web design, digital strategy, e-commerce development, and more.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services


Financial services




Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 80%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 20%

Common Project Size

<$10K 3 projects

$50K-$199K 1 project


This provider has not added their key clients.

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

BATL Marketing was hired by a Guatemalan nonprofit to devise a SMART plan for their marketing and communications activities and improve the efficiency of their website. They were chosen for their ability to break down the process into actionable steps and their understanding of the financial constraints of nonprofit operations. The project involved a discovery phase and evaluation, an in-depth review of the website with concrete improvement suggestions, and detailed explanations. The team at BATL Marketing, led by the founder Monica, was able to make significant progress where other consultants had failed, resulting in a workable plan suited to the nonprofit's capacity.

In their second project, BATL Marketing was entrusted by IA Financial Group, an insurance company, to increase their network visibility and create a virtual space to showcase their services and job opportunities. They undertook the design and development of a new website, including designing the logo, creating the content, and even managing the Instagram account. Soon, they will also be handling the company's SEO. The client was particularly impressed by BATL Marketing's ability to translate their ideas into a concrete and effective website. The project, which began in September 2021, is ongoing and has so far cost $8,000.

In their third project, BATL Marketing was engaged by AsociaciĆ³n MAIA, another Guatemalan nonprofit, to assess their marketing and digital communications strategy. The organization had struggled with the lack of a clear strategy and the perception of communications as a non-strategic area. BATL Marketing addressed these challenges by offering an analysis of the organization's digital platforms and SEO, reviewing and guiding website development, and providing recommendations for a strategy. The BATL team, once again led by the founder Monica, was able to bring clarity and strategic direction to the organization, demonstrating their expertise in nonprofit marketing and communication strategies.



Service Excellence




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