Bananacode - Out of Business

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Bananacode is a software development company founded in Moravia, Costa Rica in 2019 with more than 10 members. They are experts in custom software development, UX/UI design, and e-commerce development solutions for small and mid-market companies alike.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Business services


Information technology


Arts, entertainment & music


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 60%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 30%

Enterprise (>$1B) 10%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 8 projects

<$10K 3 projects

$50K-$199K 2 projects


  • Sports Sonar

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

15 Reviews

Bananacode was engaged by a clothing retail company to develop a custom e-commerce website. The company was seeking to establish a digital presence due to the pandemic. Bananacode built a unique site with specific features tailored to the company's needs. The team continues to maintain the platform and the company plans to further invest in marketing and social media to boost sales. The company spent $10,000 on the website and pays a monthly fee of $400 for licenses, emails, and maintenance. The partnership, which began in August 2020, is ongoing and the client is pleased with the results.

In a project for an international NGO, Bananacode was hired to perform quality control on an e-commerce platform for women. The team reviewed the design, user experience, and functionality of the platform and offered suggestions for improvements. The NGO worked directly with several members of the Bananacode team, including the CEO, a project manager, a developer, a design and user experience specialist, and the person in charge of uploading tickets. The project began in June 2021 and is expected to be completed by December 2021.

Bananacode was also hired by a communications consultant to redesign a WordPress website. The old website was outdated and no longer effective. Three team members, including a project manager, a frontend designer, and a developer, worked on updating the design and creating a new site map. The consultant spent about $1,800 on the project, which ran from May to July 2021. The consultant had previously worked with Bananacode and chose them for this project because their work aligns with the consultant's business vision.



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