Atlantic Wave

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Atlantic Wave is a studio founded in 2014 with no more than 10 employees. They offer video production and broadcast video solutions from their office in New York. They work with mid-market and enterprise-level firms in the industries of advertising and business services.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Advertising & marketing




Business services


Client Size Distribution

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Enterprise (>$1B) 50%

Common Project Size

$200K-$999K 1 project


  • SAP

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

Atlantic Wave was hired by a major global tech company for consistent video production for large corporate events. The goal of the project was to create engaging videos that would inspire and enable the company's employees, customers, and partners. Atlantic Wave was selected due to its ability to provide services on a local, national, and international scale. The company VP lauded Atlantic Wave's transparency in pricing and deep network of contacts, which facilitated support in any location. The process involved deep collaboration on script and storyboard, with the inclusion of various celebrities in the videos.

The Atlantic Wave team showed immense ownership of the projects, working closely with the tech company to understand their products, strategies, and end goals. They also provided additional talent for the videos as needed and were consistently accessible throughout the process. The team's project management was impressive, providing both large and small crews based on the project's scope and size. After filming, Atlantic Wave offered regular feedback and input during the editing process to ensure the final result exceeded the client's expectations.



Service Excellence




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