Alef Invest

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SEO company Alef Invest is located in Kyiv, Ukraine and ,. The firm provides search engine optimization, web design, custom software development, web development, and more and is small.The firm was founded in 2007.

Client Insights

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Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

Alef Invest successfully completed a project involving web development and design for Acute Websolution, an IT services company specializing in web design and development. The primary goals were to expand the company's web development and design businesses. Acute Websolution found Alef Invest through an online search and chose them over other providers due to their high ratings. Alef Invest assigned one employee to this project. The client, Alex, provided clear requirements for his needs and maintained regular payment schedules. The project was executed efficiently, meeting the client's needs and objectives. The client's positive feedback and regular payments highlight the successful collaboration between Alef Invest and Acute Websolution.



Service Excellence




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