ACamelo Digital

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ACamelo Digital is an advertising and digital marketing agency that was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Sao Paulo. The team offers services in advertising, digital strategy, and social media marketing.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Financial services




Other industries


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 50%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 25%

Enterprise (>$1B) 25%

Common Project Size

$10K-$49K 3 projects

<$10K 1 project


  • Lego

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

4 Reviews

ACamelo Digital was hired by a leading PR firm in São Paulo to redesign their website and develop new advertising strategies. The goal was to increase online lead conversion and provide clear information about the company without the need for direct contact. ACamelo Digital offered services in UX design, web development, and social media advertising campaign management. The team comprised of a designer, programmer, and an ad expert.

A cosmetics company engaged ACamelo Digital to redesign their website and boost its performance, in addition to implementing a new digital marketing campaign. The company aimed to increase their marketing return on investment. ACamelo Digital enhanced the UX of the e-commerce site, and launched marketing campaigns on Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook. The project team included a designer, a marketing coordinator, a UX designer, and a customer service representative.

ACamelo Digital was selected by an insurance company owner to provide branding and website development services. The objective was to establish a solid brand identity and develop a responsive website. ACamelo Digital was responsible for creating a new visual identity for the company, reflecting a modern look, and developing a website incorporating the new visual elements. The team was composed of 10 professionals, including a commercial manager, copywriters, designers, and developers.



Service Excellence




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