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5forests is an advertising company. They are located in Auckland, New Zealand and Barcelona, Spain and have a small team. Their services include advertising, branding, content marketing, conversion optimization, and more. The agency was founded in 2016.

Client Insights

Industry Expertise

Food & Beverage


Client Size Distribution

Small Business (<$10M) 30%

Midmarket ($10M - $1B) 50%

Enterprise (>$1B) 20%

Common Project Size

$50K-$199K 1 project


  • Anaba Wines

Highlights from Recent Projects

Overall Rating

1 Review

5forests was hired by ARENI global, a research institute dedicated to the future of fine wine, to build a new website and brand identity. The institute sought to adapt to the changes in their business model brought about by the pandemic. Their objective was to have a website capable of hosting vast amounts of content in various formats, as well as building and selling a membership program that would allow them to scale. 5forests had been working with the institute since 2018, and their satisfaction with the previous work done was a key factor in their selection for this project. The scope of work included devising a global strategy, translating that into an actionable plan, and rebuilding the website and brand identity to align with the new strategy. Technologies used included WordPress, PaidMembership Pro, and Stripe. The project was managed by Polly, the head of 5forests. The institute expressed extreme satisfaction with the results, indicating that 5forests had effectively helped them understand where they were and what they wanted to become in the post-pandemic world.



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